Saturday, August 25, 2012

Topsy-Turvee Time in my Garden

For a joke this last Xmas, Jim got me 2 topsy-turvees thinking I wouldn't be able to grow anything in them, well then, looky here, tomatoes and strawberries.  But I really didn't like them too much, they are weird to water and drip all over your patio, so they are gonna go bye-bye after the growing season.

I'm having some success with our grapefruit tree we purchased this winter.  Initially it was loaded with fruit, but then the Santa Ana winds came and blew most all the fruits off.  I now have a total of 5 fruits still going strong.
My parsley, basil and swish chard did well this summer, plus I put in another tomato plant just in case the topsy-turvee wasn't a go.

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