Sunday, September 9, 2018


plaster of paris & carving tools

I just found these great in-progress shots of Rachel's
Abstracted Figure that I posted the other day.
I think it's important to see the process part way thru sometimes.
For me personally,
thinking about and sculpting in a Reductive technique is quite painful.
At least it was in High School and College.
I haven't gone there again as an older adult.
But now that I'm a senior citizen or a mid-lifer
and as Barbara Strauch says in the book The Secret Life of the Middle Aged Brain,
I am much happier and more creative
(which incidentally I am!)
I should give it one more try.
Maybe when I retire
hee hee


  1. I love seeing this form emerging ... which reminds me of a story.

    Once upon a time I watched a woodcarver working at a craft fair in Wisconsin. I was so taken with the work that I asked to buy it on the spot. "But I have finished ones over here that are painted," he protested. "I'll pay you the same for this one ... so I can remember watching the process." He shook his head, but he also took my money.

    1. That is such a great story Liz which I totally get! I have done the exact same thing myself to be able to teach with. The kids really need to see some things that are in progress.
