Friday, September 14, 2018


Love at first sight,
that's how it happens with me a lot.
But always trying to resist my impulsive urges I say to myself
if that door was meant to be yours it will still be there next week".
And it was,
so I bought it.
My woodworker friend up at the cabin,
thinks it might be from the early 20th Century like the 30's or 40's.
It's really weathered which I adore,
and was a bit battered and broken so Chris healed (glued) it for me.
I also commissioned him to build it into the arbor my hubby built for my stairs
 that lead to my little art studio on the side of the cabin from the street.
He dug down into the rock/dirt hillside about 2-3 feet down
and cemented a weathered 4 by 4 post into the earth.
I believe he told me he used a vinegar patina to weather it 
so it looked like it went with the aged door.
He also weathered some brass hinges which he hung it with,
and weather coated/protected the door.
It opens and closes beautifully.
My neighbors were confused about why I was putting in a door to nowhere.
Didn't make any sense to them,
so I explained that it leads to my secret garden.
Makes so much sense to me.
Growing on the left side of the arbor is a wisteria vine I just planted this year
 and it growing like mad.
Can't wait till it blooms next year.
On the right side front of the arbor below is a butterfly bush,
which actually draws in all kinds of butterflies into my yard.


  1. yes....elegant! and a door to secret space. I'm glad it waited for you!

    1. Me too, I'm just thrilled with it, and will probably decorate it a bit for the holidays. Thanks Grace xoxoxo
