Look at these beauties that just came in from my 3rd year 3-d kids. They had to start with a plywood base and then bring in at least 4 different media to build their design with. Senior Angeline Tran utilized wood burning tools, mirror shards, plastic netting, craft wire, acrylic stains and tissue collage. Fantastic piece kiddo. I especially love the netting you used.

Senior Olivia Hill used stain, paper collage, wood burning tools, glass shards and glass beads in her gorgeous piece. Notice the text under the glass shard below? Great detail.

And finally we have senior Breeana Johng who created with stitch paper, threads, stains, paper collage, glass shards, tree bark, wire mesh, and text. Love how she used the wood bark that I pulled off some trees after we had a big rain this last winter. I was hoping a couple of my students would find a way to use it. (See nest below)

To all 3 of you, I've known and taught you all since the 7th grade. It has been such a pleasure watching you guys grow up, and I couldn't be prouder of you. I love how all 3 of you go into each assignment so fearlessly; how you know where everything in my room is located (and that's a lot of stuff too), and get it knowing that I'd want you too. Sure saves me a lot of energy for other tasks. Thank you for coming to school on time every morning cuz you know how important that is to me, and for texting me when you can't make it so I don't freak out when you aren't in your seats. And thank you especially for having so much patience with me as I flit about the room from one thing to another and loose track of what I was supposed to be doing for you guys. It's definitely a challenge every morning having several different things going on all in one period, all of them pretty darn complex too. Love you guys!
Just stumbled across your blog looking for collage examples for my high school students. What beautiful work your students have done! I'll certainly take some of your project ideas to my students and check back to see what else you're up to. I am so with you in loosing track while flitting about the room. :)