I have so many outstanding coil pots to show off this year from my Ceramic I kids, so let me start with one of my favorites this year made by senior Christine Castillo. Her piece was extremely difficult to built because she had to inlay the fish between the coils, no easy task, but she worked so hard to make it happen. She also spent twice as much time on the glazing of the piece. You've got an award winner here kiddo!

Another favorite was created by junior Joanna Paz. I just adore all her small intricate details she incorporated along with her coils. It has such a fun, spontaneous feel to it.

These 3 beauties were made by senior Christina Lee, junior Joan Kim, and senior Dong Song. It's interesting to see the different glaze solutions the kids pick for their pots. Many of them
chose to stain their pieces first and then dip them in a glaze to highlight their coil work. Below we have senior Mike Ng's very cool piece. I really like how he started off with a triangle but ended with a circle. It also has a lot of fluid movement to it which really appeals to the eye.

This one above belongs to senior Kevin Pascual and really reminds me of an ancient ruin in the jungles of Mexico. I saw something similar in my travels through Palenque and Merida. And below we have the amazing work of senior James Poupongtong. James has really been doing some great pieces lately and you will be seeing more from him in the future.

Above we have the works of seniors John Balagtas and Varsha Baheti. Both of them choose our gorgeous black glaze to finish their pieces off with. I don't know if you can see it but John also brushed a bit of rutile oxide over top his glazed balls to turn them a warm brown. Below we have the super stylings of senior Alfredo (Freddy) Perez. Freddy knocks himself out on every project to make his pieces as special and perfect as he can. He will work on something for hours and completely loose track of time; thats how into it he gets.

Another favorite of mine was done by senior Matthew Ramos. Again, the fluid movement really draws me in.

And lastly we have senior Andrea Acosta. What is so cool about her piece is the way she isolated her intricate designs. It really gives the piece a focal point. Andrea is another student who always gives me everything she's got on each of her pieces. These kids are so wonderful to work with, and I'm so very thankful I teach here at Whitney with these incredible children. I realize I'm a very lucky woman!! Thanks all of you for making such beautiful pieces for me to show off to the world. :)
I like the pots they gave me ideas for my pot project.