Before we left for winter break , my beginning 3-d students finished up and mounted these terrific wire sculptures. As a preliminary exercise we made wire wrapped pendents first to get the kids used to working in this medium. It is an expensive project but worth the results. Top piece done by senior Michelle Choi.

Many thought to bring in beads as embellishments as did (above) junior Hillary Chan and (below) senior Ashlee Chang.

The tree done by senior Jenny Dai was one of my favorites and the way sophomore Kelsea Lee mounted hers will act as inspiration for the students next year.
The piece above was an extra credit work done by senior Kevin Ni after he did his first 3-d one. And the beautiful boot below was created by senior Anne Guu. Anne always comes up with something amazing!

And lastly, one of my very favorites this year was done by senior Marisela Herrarte. What I love about Marisela is that she always pushes herself to come up with something entirely different and original that's never been done before. I know this is overused but boy oh boy, can she work outside the box, or in this case within the box. :) Way to push yourself woman!!!
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