These little treasures were done by my Beginning 2-d class for their 1st Quarter Final. They had to pull together all the Design Elements we had studied in a collage format with Self Portrait as their subject matter. Wow! That's a lot of stuff. As you will see they are extremely complex and well thought out, and very expressive as well. The top piece was done by an exceptional talent senior Sonya Liu, and the one below by gifted designer, senior Pankti Patel. Sorry a few of them are a bit out of focus.

Above we have one of the class favorites done by senior Jeremy Chung, and below his is a highly expressive piece by senior Nandini Kannan.

Senior Edna Wong did the beauty above and senior Betty Tong did the lovely piece below.

One of my personal favorites, above, was done by junior Suzanne Kang, and senior Alan Tsim did the very cool one below. Sadly, all these seniors waited till their last year here to take my class. And as you can see they are all such great designers. I sure wish they would have come to me sooner so I could have had them for a second and even a third year to take them further with their artistic skills.
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