Gotta spend a little more money cuz I just recently discovered Kristin's multi-media fiber works that are absolutely fabulous. Love how she is combining quilting with knit/crochet, beading, embroidery, text and so much more, then mounting it all on linen. You can view her work at http://www.kristinlaflamme.com/. She graciously agreed to let me to post some of her work because I wanted to share it with all my 3-d art students, especially Audrey, Ashley, Breeana, Anne, Ashlee, Marisela, Alma, Christie, Olivia, Angeline, Jullian, and Trisha. I know you 12 would appreciate her work the most. Love you guys!

So all my art students, I ask you again, which one will I purchase?
How fun! As soon as I find the right sized box I'll be sending the art *plus* a postcard for the winning student. If there's more than one who guesses correctly maybe you guys will have to have a brush-cleaning run off or something. ;-)