These colorful yarns and whimsical knitting needles were just finished yesterday by my Intermediate 3-d students, all 6 of them :) They hand dyed the wool yarns (Lamb's Pride Worsted) with food colors (Wilton's Icing Colors). I had asked them to achieve a variegated yarn in color as well as value. At the same time they each sawed off 2 dowel sticks to 12 inches long each, sanded and waxed the sticks (shoe polish from the grocery store) then made fun little polymer clay knobs for the tops. I especially love the hot dog and hamburger done by senior Christi Connors. The lady bugs were done by senior Alma Gudino, piggies by senior Trisha Shah, bear and shark by senior Jullian Kho, space ship and moon by junior Angeline Tran, and stripped & beaded balls by junior Olivia Hill. And the best part is that today we started our knitting unit with these yarns and needles. How good is that? God, I love my job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow thats really cool!! I exspecilly like the pig one!!!!!