We are experimenting this school year with a 7th grade wheel rotation that includes an art component. So every 8 weeks I get a new crop of 7th graders to teach art fundamentals to. I am loving my first group of kids. They are a little scared and a lot excited to be doing art and I'm really enjoying their enthusiasm and energy. Their first assignment was to create a 5 step value scale in graphite. The one above was done by Eduardo Jacinto, and the one beneath was made by Karisma Dev.

These next two were done by Sergio Garcia and Clarisa Marie Bloemnof. I am so impressed with these kids, and I feel so lucky to be working with such talent! Can you imagine what they will be producing with me by 4th level art in their senior year!!!!

wow! what a nice variety of subject matter! you are so lucky to be influencing young people.