Monday, December 21, 2020


After browsing Pinterest a couple of weeks ago I came across the Fiber Art of 
Berenice Mollet of Roujan France.
She had covered a lovely stone with a piece of eco-dyed and embroidered fabric.
It was love at first site!
So of course I searched the whirled until I found her and her shop,
and of course bought a few of her pieces to show the gals I'm currently teaching.
From left to right are an elongated notebook,
a rust printed trivet (she included as a bonus),
a medium sized notebook,
then underneath those a zippered pouch.
As you can see above her slow stitching is impeccable,
her designs delightful,
 and her sewing construction of her pieces so perfectly crafted.

What was really difficult was to choose an embroidered covered rock.
It was between an eco-dyed one that had a smaller baby stone attached,
but then I saw this indigo covered one above/below and felt very pulled to it as well.
So I thought about where I'd be displaying it and realized I wanted it in my indigo styled room
at my son's home that he and his wife are allowing me to decorate.
What I also loved about Berenice's blog site
 is she posts a lot of tutorials. 
She takes pix of how she builds her pieces during the classes she teaches throughout France.  
She is very generous with her creative processes.
I hope you get a chance to take a peek thru her site and shop.


  1. Thanks for the lead on a new blog to follow! Wishing you and yours much happiness over the holidays and peace in the new year

  2. Mille merci pour cet article Debra, c'est si gentil de votre part! Merci!! :) :) :)

    1. So glad you liked my post Berenice. Happy Holidays!
