Wednesday, April 20, 2016


copper, silver & gold craft wire

Recently I saw some intricate wire hands on Pinterest 
that were connected together to form a hanging sculpture.

So I thought it would be fun to have the kids give them a try 
and I'd assemble
and give them as a gift to the office for permanent display. 

Junior Cherly-Mae Mallabo, 8th grader Malia Pulido & senior Jenna Llamas

But sometimes things don't always go as planned.
It turned out the wire I picked wasn't strong enough to hold the hand shapes for stringing.
So I had the kids strengthen the wire by hammering it.
That helped but sadly not enough.

Junior Helen Park, & seniors Clarissa Gutierrez and Eileen Wang

So the students will be keeping these hands or selling them at Open House.
I loved how they turned out.
Very decorative and creative.

8th grader Elliana Lee, junior Thulashi Raveendran & teacher Deliana Park

I had them trace around their own hands so it became a self-portrait assignment.
I was thrilled with how expressive and delightful they turned out.

8th graders Sydney Eng & Charlotte Park and junior Insha Khan 

Cheryl-Mae got so into it that she made two additional ones that belong together
Note the bit of text along the wrist area.
So very COOL!!.

And speaking of cool,
check out senior Elias Rodriquez's dimensional hand.
I love that he thought to take the assignment further.
Also is there some significance in the fact that the middle finger is made with a different metal?
Or did he just run out of copper?

1 comment:

  1. I particularly like the ones that look like contour drawings ... which makes sense since a continuous drawing line in two dimensions would be analogous to a continuous wire in three dimensions. Cool project!
