Sunday, March 1, 2020


My grand pups have been growing by leaps and bounds,
especially the baby,
 Miss Tatum 

She has grown almost twice as large as her big brother Granger,
but she has no idea how long or tall she is.
The poor baby is always tripping or running into things with her back half.
And she is in that awful chewing stage right now as well.
So far she has decimated 3 pillows and 2 pairs of shoes,
and because she is also a real scaredy cat,
when disciplined,
 will wet herself.
it breaks my heart.
Granger is her protector and won't let any other dogs get close to her.
And he plays with her all day when they aren't sleeping 
waiting for their mommy to get home from work.
They are the best of friends and love to snuggle.
And Miss Tat gives the best kisses ever!
She is also the most gentle dog I've ever know,
Granger being one of the smartest I've ever encountered.
And I just love them to death!

1 comment:

  1. you are the perfect granddogmother ... finding the best in each to love
