Friday, July 26, 2019


to my students & blog followers for not keeping up with my posting.
I will try harder next week.
I still haven't finished off from 2 school years ago.
Funny how I get so much more done when I'm working and on a schedule then during the summer.
See you soon!!


  1. You may already have my comment ... altho I think the ether ate it ... so just in case, here it is again ...

    I have been going through "stuff" in preparation for moving, including a box of letters written to my parents over the years. Each one begins with a variation on "I'm so sorry I haven't written sooner." Each one is pages upon pages long. Why on earth was I apologizing?

    You are here ... as are we. Whatever you add, whenever you add it, is such a gift to self and to us. Memory distilled in words and images.

    Thank you ...

    1. You have such a gift with words Liz, and you are so understanding. I guess I have to start looking at things differently beginning now. I feel like I'm always trying to keep up with everybody else on this posting thing. But I find I'm rarely on my computer anymore which I know is probably a good thing. So maybe I'm getting other things done that i wasn't able to keep up with before. I do know I'm reading a lot more, going to the gym and doing a lot of much needed gardening at our cabin. So I guess my proprieties are changing a bit. I'm even getting a bit of handwork done in the evenings which is so relaxing.

      So when is your moving out date? How's the packing coming along? How's the weather been there? It's been really hot and muggy here the last 2 weeks. I'll have to get over to your blog and do some catching up.

      Again, thank your for your words of comfort. xoxoxox
