Last month I did a bit of fertilizing with bat guano and look at the results! Gorgeous blossoms and vibrant foliage. This is the first time in 2 years since I purchased this amaryllis that it's bloomed. Yes!! And below I stuck some begonia stems to take root into Jim's star jasmine and now the two are thriving together. Wow, just like me and Jimmy :)

My first tomatoes of the season, and a struggling bougainvillea that's come back to life.

Zach's avocado tree that he grafted at Cal Poly in one of his plant classes, and a random succulent that Jim planted and it's crazy bloom that's almost bigger then the plant. I love it!!

Some variegated canna bulb's that I brought over from the ex's house along with another begonia that I rooted above.

And Zachary's boysenberry vine that I'm caring for until he has his own place. I've got it and his black raspberry twined along our balcony and they are going to town as you can see. Yesterday I picked and gobbled 5 boysenberries.
My little succulent garden (above) and below, this spectacular hydrangea that Jim bought me for Mother's Day.

At my home/studio I replanted this wall hanging garden with a combination of succulents and shade plants, and it's just starting to fill in. And below is a sweet wire basket that I planted last summer that almost completely died during our Santa Ana winds this year. It's finally coming back to life with impatients and ivy.

And this delicate little fuchsia I just planted and put in the shadiest spot I could find. And my primroses and lobelia are going crazy below. The lobelia is dropping it's seeds and I'm getting little starts in other pots on the patio.

I also wanted to show off what a beautiful job our gardeners are doing in our complex. The roses are lovely and very patriotic looking for July, and they tried zinnia's this year which have really taken off. And right now the alyssum is full and puffy, it hasn't gone to seed yet. I love being surrounded by all this beauty, it reminds me so much of my mother's garden when I was growing up in La Mirada, Ca.
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