Saturday, April 1, 2023


Some of my favorite wildflowers are blooming around our reservoir.
It finally stopped raining for a few days
 and I was able to get out and make a few trips around it.
Because of all the rain we've been blessed with this year
 the wildflowers are more incredible then I've ever seen them.
Here are just a few I picked the other day.
Two varieties of Lupine in two shades of purple,
some yellow mustard,
and then my favorite that I don't know the name of.
Was wondering if anyone can help?
I'm pretty sure these 5 small blossoms at the top of pix below
are from some type of bulb,
just based on how they were growing and pulled out of the ground.
They are petite, delicate and so very lovely.
Any ideas??


  1. Your lupines are our bluebonnets ... but ours don't have the wonderful red violet coloring that yours do

    1. Ha ha, no way! Funny I've always wanted to see the bluebonnets. Now I know! The red violet ones have really prickly leaves and stems. When I picked them I got poked in a couple of places and had to pull out stickers that were nearly invisible..
