Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Usually I kill orchids,
they are one of the plants I've never had too much luck with.
Over the years I can sort of keep them alive,
but rarely get them to bloom.
These two beauties were at my daughter's home in her kitchen window where they were thriving,
but alas,
she felt like they were taking up too much counter space,
so basically I rescued them from an untimely death.
And after about 2 weeks I saw  flower stems emerge from both plants.
I was shocked, thrilled and over-joyed,
but sadly knowing I could not take credit for it.
They were in the perfect storm at her house,
a bright kitchen sink window.
But now there was no way I was giving them back
Then another stem formed as an off shoot of the first one.
Oh boy!!
But then came disaster.
In my zeal to water this baby I accidently broke off the second flower stem.
I was devastated and so mad at myself.
So I tired reaffixing it with a band aide,
but I'm sure you can imagine how that went.
A big fail.
Big lesson I've learned,
 that with older age comes great clumsiness.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Can't keep count of how many times recently that I've tripped and fallen,
and just keep stumbling over things because I forget to look down when I'm in a hurry.
I fell like it started when I turned 60.

And now for the real irony,
I went over to garden with my daughter yesterday and what do I see on her kitchen sink?
You guessed it,
a lovely, brand new blooming orchid.
Crazy woman!


  1. my daughter found a house on Folly Beach to rent for a week last summer ... orchids were blooming all over the house when we got there, but the flowers fell off, one by one, in the time we were there ... yikes

    1. Once they start falling off it's all over sadly. Both of these have stayed for the last 2 weeks.
