
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Celebrating New Years Eve 2014 with the Elks

That's right, Jim, the band and I spent the evening bringing in the New Year at the Fullerton Elk's Club with a great group of people.
Jim's band, The Rockits, played 5 1/2 hours for the crowd of 200+.  There was dining and dancing all night long, and we introduced a new singer that night, wish I could remember her name.  She did great for her first time out.
Everyone was dressed to the nine's, and those Elk's danced their hearts out.

Here is my handsome husband playing the heck out of his bass guitar.  But poor guy was exhausted by the end of the night, and he didn't even have anything to drink, just having a good old time. 

And I just had to snap a pix of these two sweet and crazy ladies, Annie and her little sis Evelyn.  They danced the night away together because Annie's husband Pat is our piano player .  So if the band wives want to dance they've got to find their own partners.  We all stick together.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you Deb. You both look gorgeous that night. Musician and artist, what a couple!!! Hugs Nat
