
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Watercolor with Mixed Media

Meet my 3rd year Advanced 2-D students Jarick Simbol and Megan Yeu.  Jarick started taking classes with me when he was in the 7th grade, and has taken 4 of my classes throughout his career here at Whitney.  His daddy, Patrick, was also one of my students back in the day and was also artistically inclined.  Sadly, Jarick lost his father recently, and he has had a rough time of it this past year.  So Jarick, I hope you don't mind that I dedicate this post to your father, 
Patrick Simbol.  He would have been so proud of you.  I know I am.
I think Jarick surprised himself with how well his watercolor came out, because he started out feeling very unsure.  He has brought in a bit of paper collage thru the little diamond shapes that are a great accent.  I also love his composition, how he has blown up his flower so large that is seems to be flowing across the page. And the colors are terrific together.  Fantastic job, I couldn't be more pleased. 

Megan began classes with me in her sophomore year, so this is her 3rd year with me.  She knows she wants to be an art major, so this, her senior year, she is also taking my Ceramics I and Beginning 3-D classes.  Pretty great schedule I'd say  LOL  
Megan has a lovely style with the watercolors, she isn't afraid to layer her shadows over top her lighter values.  She came into the piece with a bit of pen and ink, as well as some running stitches with perle cotton that she learned in my 3-D class.  Very cool!


  1. These are beautiful pieces. They both did a great job with their water colors.

  2. Fantastic work. I love both of them in different ways. Good job guys, keep up the good work - Hugs from Nat
