
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Everyday is a Joy...

when you love your job.  Here is a sneak peek at my Beginning 2-D students drawing on location outside my classroom door.  They were so focused and in right brain that they didn't even know I took their picture  :)  
Thank you sweet ones for being attentive, respectful, hardworking, and responsible young ones.  
You make me so happy and bring great joy into my life!!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing scene of the students drawing you've captured Deb! They are clam and attentive because they have you to guide them. It's lovely to read that you love your job! You don't hear much of that. I love my job too and loving it more and more knowing that one day it will end (when I retire). Blogging can be a nice art project for your students too or have you done that already? Love to everyone on the photo Nat
