
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mary's Garden of Delights

I've mentioned my friend and co-worker Mary several times recently, and have really wanted to post her garden, but I shot over 50 pictures so it's taken me some time to narrow them down a bit and get them up.  

In early June this year I was invited to see her garden that I'd heard so much about. And it did not disappoint.  It was spectacular in design and color, rich in wild and insect life, and so right up my alley.  Plus they had the sweetest dog ever, a Wheaten Terrier like our Sophie Jean.  Mary's partner in this labor of love is her adorable partner Gary, you'll see him later.  
The view from their sliding door is breathtaking...
I felt as if I had stepped into an enchanted garden.
No matter which way I turned it was crazy wonderful.
And because it was early June, everything was alive with bloom, birds, and butterflies.

One of my favorite areas was the pond Gary built.
So picturesque, with a big Koi fish and lots of babies swimming around.   The nasturtiums were amazing  in bloom and spilling into the water.

But it was this vibrant red tree that really caught my eye as the sun was starting to set and back-lite it so beautifully.  Of course I've forgotten what Mary called it but if you look closely in the middle branch you can see it's flower, it's pink and grows right from the large trunk, very cool.

I showed off this clever idea the other day in my post, how Mary and Gary put the lint from their dryer into this cage so the birds can pull from it to help build their nests.

For the birds they also put out this lovely crystal dish full of grape jelly.  The color and sweetness also draws in birds to their yard.

Right next to their slider is the smallest nest I've ever seen, it belongs to the mama hummingbird below.  If you look closely you can see her 2 babies peeking their heads over the edge of the nest, above.  She is very territorial Mary said.
Here is Gary with a birdhouse he built with his grandson.
And they've put out several water features throughout the yard.  The sound is lovely and they also attract the birds.

Behind the red tree was a telephone pole that Mary's packet of seeds grew up to cover the whole thing.  It was quite a site!
And what a clever idea Gary had for their empty wine bottles, using them as decorative edging, complete with labels intact.  Loved it!  Especially how the grasses and mosses are starting to grow around them.  What a great look.

Besides all the variety of trees and plants, they also have an extensive fruit and vegetable garden.  I'm thinking these are figs above, and tomatillos  below.

And look at this unusual avocado above, it's a special variety that they bought because it fruits all year.
Here are some of the plants that caught my eye.  This bog plant above called a Pitcher Plant.
And these two colorful ones that Mary said really attract the humming birds.

And check out those glorious artichokes below.  Yummy!
And this healthy clematis below.  I've been trying to get mine to bloom for the past two years.  No such luck, but Mary and Gary have the magic touch with their green thumbs.
Thank you both so much for allowing me to see your amazing garden.  It was truly inspiring!

This shot was my favorite of them all, but I have no idea was these flowers are called.  Help Mary??   :)

1 comment:

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