
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Linoleum Printing - Student Work

Back to senior Laura Kadi for these adorable linoleum prints.  I changed up the assignment from years past, and I know Laura rally enjoyed the challenge.  It's a little tricky to explain but here goes.  
Instead of carving the complete design into the plate then printing the whole thing at once, you carve out a bit at a time, roll your first color on (Laura is using a yellow), print, carve some more, re-register, print your next color (Laura used brown), carve away one last time, re-register, and print (black).
This way of printing involves using a lot of critical thinking to plan out your design and where each color is going to go.  But as you can see, so worth it and satisfying.  I also required Laura to print on different papers as you can see in the first photo.  and then she had to matt her favorites. 

Thank you Laura for being the first to try this difficult technique.  Fantastic job! 

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