
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wood Assemblages - Student Work

These were designed and built by my Advanced 3-D art students.  they had to jump thru quite a few hoops for their specific requirements, starting with a wood foundation, glass shards, wood staining, wood burning, wire, nails, and paper collage.  I might have forgotten a few.  Help Kevin  :)  What's so cool is that they all turned out so differently.  

You are looking at senior Nida Fatima's piece here.  Most students choose to display their work on a wall, but Nida knew she wanted to do a free standing piece.   
I really like how she built her tree with twigs from around the school and wire. Notice the soldered glass piece she made that dangles from the tree limb?  And the bird she made from FIMO clay?  and how the glass shards flow around the work to create a sense of movement.  Lovely Nida!

In this next one by senior Rita Labib, it actually is much larger then it appears her on the post.  I would say it was about 9" wide by 30" high.  Very elongated which I feel is a very pleasing format to work within.  
Rita began with lots of paint and stain on her wood.  I'm pretty sure she changed up the look and colors several times before she allowed herself to actually begin the layout design.  She worked from this huge plastic bag that she had collected tons of magazine pictures in and other misc. goodies that she felt might look good in her art works.  What I  really enjoyed about this piece besides the content (message), was the many layers that she built up with other chunks of wood; so that when you viewed it from the side, it was so interesting to the eye with many levels.  Sorry I didn't think to photo it from the side.  
This piece made a big splash at Open House and was bought by our Dean of Discipline.  I believe she will be hanging it in her office.  I love that our faculty and staff support our young artists.

This last one by senior Kevin Tang was a stunning work and I believe he gave it to his mentor and friend, our beloved Physics teacher, Mr. Z.  So all of us will be able to enjoy it for many years to come.  
Kevin spent a lot of time drawing and cutting out his wood shapes to get everything just right.  
I really like how he put his nails/screws in and wrapped wire around them, and the foil butterflies that he made and embellished with.  And this year Mrs. Z had donated these beautiful colored sands, so Kevin put them to good use by drawing glue spirals and sprinkling the colored sands over top for a very pleasing effect.  Also notice the cooper mesh and netting for the eyes.
These kids worked really hard to make these pieces happen.  Congrats you three!

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