
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Negative Space Op Art - Student Work

These were done by my Beginning 2-D students as an exercise during their Right Brain Drawing lessons.  We worked on large sized paper (18 x 24), and started the pieces off with a silhouette.  In the piece above, junior Cathy Luo drew the silhouette of the young girl running thru the trees.  
The second part of the assignment was to draw from the plants I brought into the room or to go outside and draw from real life trees, branches and leaves; and to draw those over top the first silhouette.  I believe Cathy drew from both, the plants I had inside as well as falling leaves outside.  A bit complicated but it creates a really cool optical illusion.  Then of course, they decide what is going to stay white and what they will ink in with brush and India ink for the black areas.  It's super labor intensive but so worth the effort as you see in these finished pieces.   Several of these kids spent well over 25 hours on these.  We had 10 days in the classroom to complete them; so of course that means for the more complex and detailed ones, they had to be taken home for extra working hours.        
This year the kids were inspired and required to take their pieces even farther as you will see after they viewed the work on the blog from last school year.

A great example is by senior Sheila San Agustin, who, in addition to her incredible design, used collaged paper and stitch to make her work really pleasing to the eye.

And look at 8th grader Annie Oh go, yes 8th grader!  I know it's kind of hard to see but she has attached silver chains to her paper that flow so well with her design.

And below we have senior Sally Choi, who literally spent a good 50 hours perfecting her work.  These children give me so much.  It just makes teaching such a joy!

In this next lovely work we have senior Ashley Chowdhury using watercolor to bring her piece to life and really make it pop.

And below one of my favorites from this year, 8th grader Nathan Lam is really showing us his up and coming talent.  Love how the man is morphing into the tree roots.  So clever Nathan, really well balanced and then with that small touch of the Little Red Riding Hood.  Super effective!

Junior Justin Hwang rocked his piece with sequins, and junior Deena Younan created this really striking piece below with a touch of watercolor.

And our last one was done by junior Judy Shih below.  Putting red tempera in the background really makes her piece pop, and then by placing additional color in the interior helps to balance that.  Very creative Judy!

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