
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Lot of Shibori Going On Here - Student Work

Because I recently learned the art of Shibori last school year with Shibori Girl Glennis Dolce, I wanted to try it with all my levels of 3-D students.  
These experiments were done with my second level group.  
First they tried a small practice piece which honestly didn't work out so well.  Part of it was my lack of clear enough directions and the other part human student error  LOL.  But after that first mishap, the second and third tries went better.
The first and second tries involved stitching verticals, horizontals and diagonals into a design, along with a closed shape.  Those are the smaller pieces you see.
The third try was a binding method using folds to form design blocks and tin cans cut into shapes to hold and press the cloth together with, then string was used to bind the whole thing tightly.
We did those on large pieces of  Linen Damask that I rescued from a garage sale.

Above are senior Julia Faith Chanco's pieces with all three of her attempts,
and below is senior Tiffany Lee's second try.

The coolest thing that happened on the bound pieces was that we left them tyed up overnight, and the tins that were pressing the cloth together rusted from the moisture.  We ended up with these sweet little butterfly images.  At least I thought they were sweet  LOL
The piece above belongs to junior Josh Berger and the really showy butterflies below belong to senior Tiffany Lee.  So Cool!

I should have had the kids iron their pieces before I photographed them so you could have enjoyed the piece above a bit more.  It was a little balloon with a cool border treatment by senior Ashley Chowdhury.

Currently, my Beginning 3-d kids are doing their shibori, and I finally figured out how to teach it well and also how to correctly mix the indigo.  The next group you see will be even more wonderful  :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, these are beautiful and I think I like them pre-ironed. What adventures your students are having in their classes with you.
