
Friday, January 18, 2013

Woven Silk Eco-Dye Samplers

I showed you last month these gorgeous silks that my 2nd year 3-d kids eco-dyed.  Now this month, they have ripped them into strips and woven them back together again, ala Jude Hill of Spirit Cloth fame.  They stitched them onto a thin back fabric with perle cottons and the result is spectacular.

This one was done by senior Angela Wan.  The silks she choose have so much shimmer to them which really accentuates her weaving.
This next one was made by junior Josh Berger.  He chose to sew with a highly contrasting cotton which gives him a powerful, striking result.  And lastly we have the work of  Senior Ashley Chowdhury.  Hers was my personal favorite because she choose to leave her tails dangling.  I always seem to gravitate to dangling ends  LOL

There is still more to do.  You will have to stay tuned to see where we take them next  :)


  1. 'Love these silk samplers...YOU all did a fine job!

  2. These are just beautiful and amazing! I love every one of them. I want to go back to school and be in your class. I think I'm going to have to try this with some of my eco printed fabrics. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. shimmering and stunning!
