
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Esperanza High School Ceramics - Part I

Featuring the
Ceramics Department at Esperanza High School in Yorba Linda, Ca.
Kevin Kowalski-Instructor

I think it's fun to see the artwork from other high school's, and compare their program with mine.  It helps to keep me current and fresh.
I was fortunate to have my daughter enrolled last school year, her senior year, in Mr. Kowalski's Ceramics class.  My son had also taken clay while he attended there 5 years prior (different teacher), and they brought home some noteworthy piece's worth sharing.  Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for my son, I never photographed his work (this was pre-blog after all  LOL), but Danielle was not so lucky.  By the way, my kids hate when I feature them on my blog, TOO BAD!!!  :)
So Dan, it's all about you today and tomorrow.  Ha Ha
These first works you will see today were all slab built assignments.  
I really liked this mug she brought home.  They were supposed to apply a face to the outside.  It has a very abstract feel to the design, and the glaze is wonderful.  I believe Mr. Kowalski also fires to cone 5 (2150 degrees) like we do here at Whitney.

This next little cutie was a slab mosaic piece.  I really like how she painted on all her glazes, very labor intensive.  But it sure looks like someone has dropped it.  Wasn't me.
One of my favorite pieces she brought home last year was this slab box.  She giggled and told me that for inspiration she googled 'Clay Slab Boxes' and Whitney High's work came up and she saw several pieces she liked that were done here.  How cool is that!
I was truly impressed with all the surface decoration she put onto this piece.  And then I love the text inside the lid!  She also added glass shards when she glazed her work, something that I make my kids do here, into carved out areas.

Her teacher also had the kids do a series that were slightly altered in some way.  These are sweet.
And then for her dad, for Father's Day, she made him these slab coasters.  They are fortunate at Esperanza to have the funds for a Raku kiln.  Raku firing originated in Japan and involves the use of a special kiln.  $$$$  That's how she was able to get these great looking iridescent finishes.
Part II tomorrow on Pinch Technique