
Monday, October 11, 2010

Woven Pouches - Student Art

One of my favorite assignments to teach my Beginning 3-d kids is to weave a pouch using some of their hand dyed/hand spun yarn they made earlier in the semester. I have them make a basic cardboard loom with a flap, that they then warp with cotton, and weave from the bottom up. So look closely and see if you can see their beautiful hand spuns versus the store bought yarns. The 3 above were done by last years seniors Sherri Singh, Anne Guu and junior Kelsea Lee. Notice Kelsea's wavy edge treatment. Love that!

The kids were also supposed to incorporate some type of closure, like a button, snaps, ties and hooks. The weaving can get a bit tedious but it's so fun for the kids to see their finished and functional pouch when they take it off the loom. The piece above was created by senior Kevin Ni and senior Ashley Chang wove the fun and funky one below.

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