
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Preliminary Water Pastel - Student Art

Senior Brian Choi did this beauty last year in the Beginning 2-d class when we were building spheres in pastel. For the preliminary, they had to turn in was a simple sphere that was shaded from light to dark with a cast shadow and horizon. Well all of that is in place along with this wonderful creature he has created. What talent I get to work with! Speaking of talent, I just got an e-mail from one of my students who graduated in the early 80's, Rik Slayman. Talking about a blast from the past! Loved hearing from you Rik. :) Hope you enjoy the blog, you will definitely see some art assignments from your days here at Whitney. Check out what the kids are doing now for color theory, you are gonna be flabbergasted. And the before and afters are still exceptional, just like when you were here. Give Robert and Danny my love. You guys better come visit me LOL

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