
Friday, October 8, 2010

Mixed Media Metal Journals - Student Art

Last school year my Intermediate 3-d class created these fabulously detailed journals and I want to show you a little of what they went thru to build them. The top pix is of two of the pages out of senior Trisha Shah's journal. We will see her front and back cover later.

But before I begin I want to let you know that I was inspired to teach this assignment after I had seen and bought a journal from fiber artist Gail Perrone of Catfish Studio. To view her work see and click on her name under Artists I Follow on the right side of my blog. The kids built their frames from metal rebar that I picked up at Home Depot.

Here are a few close ups of the intricate beads, twisting and embellishing that they were required to incorporate into their frames. I had them incorporate a lot of metal findings as embellishments from the hardware section in Home Depot and Lowes.

The shot above was after the frames were built and the starting of the felt and fabric covers.

And here are the finished pieces. These are senior Trisha's front and back covers.

And two more of her pages above.
Above is the front cover of junior Olivia Hill's book. Love her design!

And above and below is senior Alma Gudino's journal. Alma took apart her wire sculpture peacock that she had made in Beg. 3-d and used parts of it in her journal. Clever girl!

My favorite belonged to senior Christi Conners. Below is a great close up of all her work and attention to detail.

And look at her color filled pages. The kids loved this assignment. It was a lot of hard work, but the results were so worth it. To see the results from 2 years past click on Metal/Canvas Journals.

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