
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weekend Adventures - Part 2

Last Saturday Jim asked me if I wanted to drive up to Oak Glen to pick apples. I did this once before when I was a chaperon for my daughter's Girl Scout Troop and really enjoyed it, so off we went. Takes about an hour from Anaheim Hills to get there. Go east on the 91 Fwy which turns into the 215, then east on the 10 till you exit off Yucipa Blvd. From there turn left on Oak Glen and follow it up into the hills. Very easy. Once there you have a choice of many different apple farms to pick fruit from. We went to the furthest one out which is called Riley's Apple Farm. It's the one I went to with my daughter years ago.

You choose the size bag you want to fill (I had a 10 pounder) and off you go into the orchard. There were many varieties to choose from; Rome, Granny Smith, Fuji and more. I came home with 7 1/2 pounds of apples. Should last us well into December. At Riley's there are lots of other activities for the kids, apple pressing to make cider, rope making (below), a petting zoo, and historical building to explore. It's all free except for the apples.

After apple picking we stopped at Oak Glen Village to go thru the various crafts shops and picked up a couple of goodies. Then across the road we saw a sign advertising an Alpaca Ranch with Home Arts Gifts, so you guessed it, I had to see what that was all about. And it was so cool. All these peacocks strolling the grounds with lots of adult alpacas and their babies. This peacock let me get close enough for a pix and then promptly ran away.

Love the hairdo on the alpaca above, and below is a fella who just had gotta a hair cut. Their fleece is sheared once a year and turned into beautiful, soft wool yarn and roving's for spinning, felt batts, and fine woolen sweaters and accessories. In fact, the sweaters that she was selling were some of the most gorgeous designs I've ever seen, but fairly pricey as well.
There were many babies in the group, I thought this one was the sweetest below. I will definitely return next year, it was a great way to spend the day. The best part was the banana chip milk shake that we shared from Carl's on the drive home. YUMMY!!

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