
Friday, March 5, 2010

Liberated Quiltmaking - Student Art

These sweet heart themed quilts belong to my 2nd year 3-d art students and were made for their 2nd Quarter Final. It was for many of them their first experience with a sewing machine. These quilts were machine pieced and quilted. The challenge was to design entire quilt (front and back) from a bag of scrap fabrics that the kids picked from. They were also to incorporate at least one heart into the work, and build in at least 3 border treatments around their central design. I also taught them some strip piecing, and a flying geese block so a few of them incorporated these into their borders. For first timers I think they turned out well. The top one belongs to senior Trisha Shah, and under hers we have senior Alma Gudino.

The two beauties here belong to (top) senior Jullian Kho, and underneath we have junior Angeline Tran. The kids built the entire design without any pattern pieces, everything was done ala Nancy Crow, Ricky Tims and Gwen Marston. So each quilt is an original design, and it's ok if the corners don't line up perfectly. LOL I brought in books so that the girls were familiar with the 3 quiltmakers techniques. I showed them how to do curves using Ricky Tims method, very quick and fast, no pinning involved.
And lastly, we have senior Christie Conners who pulled off this very difficult sun motif. Hey Christie, where's your heart?? LOL Christie's machine quilting was amazing, very intricate.

1 comment:

  1. These quilts are wonderful, especially when some of them had never used a sewing machine before, good work. I used to quilt, but did my patchwork by hand, which although takes longer is probably easier to do than with a sewing machine. I love seeing your student's work - the colours are great, very inspirational :-D

