
Monday, March 8, 2010

Tommy Fitzsimmons - The Material Girl

Found another cool fiber artist, cook and very funny lady, Tommy Fitzsimmons ( I check her blog everyday because it's always full of delicious looking food (sometimes including tutorials and recipes), interesting things and places she's seen, her dogs, other artists work she admires and best of all her art quilts. Above is a sphere she saw somewhere that was collaged with all those gee-gaws you save but just don't know what to do with. And for the pix below her caption read "This is how you know when winter is starting to get to people" Pretty funny stuff!

These are 2 of Tommy's art quilts.

And a close up of some of her yummy looking eats. On her blog you will find the tutorial for this marshmallow wreath (below)

The work above belongs to an art quilter she admires, and below is one of her playful pooches.

Tommy is always on the go and visits a lot of fun places and captures great images for her blog like the sets of stairs above and the VW below. Her blog is a treat everyday. So hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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