
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Alisa Burke - Professional MIxed Media Artist

Oh my! I just found another new, exciting artist that I want to share with you from San Diego, Ca., Alsia Burke. The "Healing Heart" in the photo above was done by her and I received it in the mail yesterday after I e-mailed her and expressed how much I liked her work. I found Alisa on Judy Coates Perez' blog (see column on right). Judy and her friends used Alisa's blog tutorial and had a Healing Hearts party producing many beautiful pieces. You can see Alisa's work as well as her tutorials at EXTRA CREDIT (10 Points) Follow Alisa's tutorial below and make one of her Healing Hearts. Can be turned in for the 3rd or 4th quarter grading period. Have FUN!

Start with a favorite fabric or paper. Choose colors that represent what's in your heart. Cut out 2 heart shapes (one for front and back)

Use the surface to journal and write your story.

Use hand or machine sewing to add colorful threads. This will add additional layers of color and texture.

Bring in bright metallic threads, sequins, beads and whatever else you have to embellish piece further. This adds sparkle, shine and interest.

When satisfied, sew up edges and leave a small opening for stuffing. Sew closed.

Continue to add to your heart with wire, twines, and threads.

Optional: add wings.

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