Friday, September 30, 2016


Alumni Kaili Hamada,
Class of 2015,
 sent me this great pix  recently of a project she created for her 3-D composition class, 
a requirement for all Art Majors at the University of Hawaii on Oahu.
It's so clever I think I might copy it for my Advanced 3-D students.
Let me know what you think.
Here Kaili explains it in her own words:

Hey Ms. Sposa,
I'm getting to put my thinking and 3-D skills to good use this semester in my 3-D composition class.
This photo was from our Egg Drop today.
We were allowed paper, glue, and toothpicks.
I'm still searching for someone who recorded my drop today,
but from what my teacher said it had the "WOW" factor.

I used some paper to cushion the egg,
creating origami balls/balloons that I glued around the outside of the egg.
Toothpicks placed in the cage with space for collapse/bounce possibilities.
Also a few final cage-like toothpicks around the outside edge too.
The pinwheels were mostly for show,
and it looked pretty as it fell down from what I heard.
I couldn't bear to look  LOL
It was pretty savage though,
I believe only 4 survived out of a class of 21 kids.
I sure am glad mine survived.

I showed all the graphic design/drawing/painting kids in my class
 that I know what I'm doing LOL

It's just too beautiful to drop Kaili.
Don't know if I could have parted with it like you did.
I'm proud of your feat!


  1. The pinwheels ... awesome! And good grief ... no video???

  2. Wow... I'm left speechless.. it is truly amazing!!

  3. NO VIDEO :( - kaili
    thank you !!
