Saturday, May 18, 2024


Happy Mother's day to one of my favorites,
my daughter-in-law's mother and my dear friend,

It's been two years now since she passed but it still seems like yesterday.
Her image is still so very clear in my mind.
A very beautiful woman both inside and out, 
with a wonderfully fiery spirit and personality.

I believe I remember that her son choose what to put on her tombstone 
and it captures her so perfectly.
And her daughter chose the images around the words.  
Again so very perfect, 
and a great tribute and send off for Mary.

The flowers are from her daughter's and my son's backyard garden.
Some are California natives (Poppies, Rockrose, and Salvia),
 and other delights that are more common 
like Geraniums, Dutch Iris, Carnations and Roses. 

These pictures are from our recent visit with lovely balmy weather.
 Mary is located in the most gorgeous and historical California surroundings,
the Santa Susana Mountains in an area called Rocky Peak Park 
where they filmed many a Western movie back in the day.
If you enlarge this last picture 
you can see the fabulous rock formations which are perfect for climbing.  
In fact there is a popular trail there that the kids want to take me climbing thru.
  They say it isn't too hard for this older lady.
My knees get weak just looking at it.