Another demo. piece of mine recently finished this last school year.
I think this may have been my 2015 pinch demo. pot.
I try to show the kids as many options as I can in my demos.
For instance,
I paddled the pot with a textual paddle.
I put feet on the bottom (sorry you can't see them),
I used my throwing rib's edge to push repetitive lines around the piece
making it resemble a pumpkin or cactus form,
a cut lip or organic lip ending,
how to make the form close up once it's spread wide.
Their requirements:
3" tall,
feet on the bottom,
& applied decoration (those are the flowers I attached).
Of course there is always craftsmanship & effort that I grade on as well.
How I glazed this piece was to first brush on Rutile Oxide and wipe if off (a staining technique).
That shows in the finished work as the yellow orange lines around the pot under the glaze.
Then I dipped the whole thing in Transparent Glaze and allowed that to dry.
Next I watered down Cobalt & Red Iron Oxides
then brushed those on the flowers for an accent.
I'd love to cup it in my hands and let my thumbs explore its textures