Sunday, December 21, 2014

Artisun Studio


Our little barn/loft/studio is really starting to take shape.
I found a beautiful rug at that's pulling all the colors together.
I'm able to drape my collection of antique quilts over top the loft railing.
And we found the most adorable handmade table and chairs from the 1920's with leafs on the end that fold out.

I've got a lot of built in storage for textiles and books.

And Jim has a place to practice to store a couple of his guitars and amp for when he uses the barn to practice with his new musician friends.
It's nice to come home to, 
music wafting thru the trees.

We found an old hutch for the corner with display space and more storage.

But my absolute favorite is the loft sleeping area.
We've put up a queen air mattress with more of my antique blankets and quilts to keep us warm, 
a hand hooked rug for the floor, 
and if we need it,
 another air mattress for the other side where the cradle is at.
Now all's we need is company!