
Friday, September 19, 2014

Presenting the 2014-2015 Art Students


Well here we go, the start of my 35th year here at Whitney.
I want to start the year off with my amazingly talented new batch of young ones, 
my 7th graders.
Quite a few came in with drawing skills as you can see, while others are discovering a side of themselves that they never knew existed.

So let me stat off with Pamela Yo.
Pamela is obviously coming in with some strong skills in both design and drawing and I'm really looking forward to seeing more from her.

I was also impressed with Megan Hur, 
and the time she took with the different lettering fonts on her books.

Cayla Buculea is also a really good designer.
Notice the strong highlights and shadows she's giving us in the hair.

And Nhi Nghiem wraps her values around the entire paper in this very clever design.

Love that Emily Mercado isn't afraid to go outside the box with her roots 
in her composition above.

And Brianna Morales sure knows how to fill her paper with values.
I thought her light bulb design very clever indeed.

I look forward to showing off more of their pieces as I move the class forward.
Hope you enjoyed the first glimpse of this new school year.


  1. 35 years and you still bring such enthusiasm to your teaching. You are one amazing person! Your students are so lucky to have the opportunity to have you as their teacher.

  2. What was your prompt for the assignment? I want to do this with my 7th graders! :)
