
Friday, September 19, 2014

Guest Post by Kaili Hamada!

 I began my adventure with art about a year ago. 
Because of this, I consider myself to still be a beginner. 
Despite those facts, I enjoy art much more than any of my other activities, 
which include ballet and sports.
 I feel relaxed, excited, and so happy, whenever I'm creating things using my hands, 
especially when working with all kinds of fibers. 
It's a feeling unlike any other! 
            During much of my free time both at school and at home, I spin yarn, or weave on the loom that my amazing teacher Mrs. Sposa generously lets me use whenever I'd like. 
The picture directly below shows the skeins that I dyed recently. 
I've been feeling very colorful lately, which explains the bright hues. 
These yarns made me laugh, and made so happy that I  almost cried,
 even though that sounds like a pretty silly thing to do.
(I'd say I'm quite addicted to my yarn!) 
The picture above is of me weaving yesterday during our 4th period class. 
I turned my first woven piece into a small purse, and this time I hope to create another piece of art that will have a different but just as useful purpose. 
Anyways, I hope you all have a lovely day!
- Kaili Hamada, Senior at Whitney High School 

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