
Monday, June 16, 2014

Abstraction at it's Best

oil pastel on black construction paper

Probably one of the funnest assignments all year are these abstracted portraits that the kids do of each other.
They use the same partners as they did in their Before and After Portraits so they are very familiar with each other's faces.
I give them a bottle of glue to draw with, no pencils allowed.
This way the portrait is abstracted from the very get go.We talk about abstracting the face thru simplifying, distortion and exaggeration.
And the abstraction can occur in the drawing or pasteling phase or both.
The results are always electrifying! 

Above we have senior YooBin Han's interpretation of 8th grader Nari Park.

Here junior Michael Cantu has captured junior Zoe Lin.

Senior Catherine Chiou has nailed senior Alex Arias.

And vis-a-versa.  LOL

And lastly we have Nari's portrait of Yoo Bin.
It's remarkable the results you can achieve with glue and oil pastel!

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