
Sunday, June 15, 2014

45 MInutes...Go!


 That's all I gave them plus a bit of charcoal to try and capture themselves in a very short amount of time.
This really breaks the ice as they began their final project, their Self-Portrait.
They did this one by looking at their image in the glass door where we store the clay.
Sadly senior Justin Hwang was absent that day so he didn't make the photo, but here are the other 5 kids in my Intermediate class.
From the left: seniors Kathy Luo, Heather Warner, Alex Lee, Anne Allan and Jasmine Zhao

Anne added a touch of color to hers, and Kathy managed to capture a very serious young woman.
Both girls really managed to capture themselves.

In this last photo, we see senior Justin Hwang's prelim on the far right.
He was the senior who was absent on the day the kids did this so he completed it the next day when he returned.

I look forward to showing you their final Self-Portraits in the weeks ahead.

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