
Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Little Bit of Whimsy

clay and glaze

This is only the second time I've tried this assignment with my beginning clay students because it is a bit more difficult, but I felt this group of kids were strong enough for the challenge.
They really understood what I was after and produced many beautiful works. 

This top piece was one of my favorites by senior Saarika Bhakta.  
It sort of reminded me of a flying fish form.  
And what a beautiful glaze finish.

Next we have senior Lacey Thach.  
Notice how the whole piece seems to be leaning back in a relaxed way.
And check out those lovely coil handles.

Senior Anne Allan was inspired by the teapot in Beauty and the Beast.
She took great pains in glazing the small details by using ceramic watercolor pigments before dipping the whole thing in transparent.

This quirky one belongs to junior Nicholas Tudor.
I really like how he overlapped the black and tan glazes thru the middle and then thought to put white dots on the top.  
Very cool piece Nick.

This sweet baby was made by junior Sameera Ahmad.
Great visual flow between the handles with the twisted coils.

Are you wondering if these pieces function?
Most of them do, that was part of their glaze grade.
I had them put water in and pour for me.  
I also checked to make sure they didn't drip.

This next beauty was done by Minette Tsang.
She completely captured the essence of this assignment.

Junior Cindy Ryoo constructed hers with overlapping slab layers which gives the eye lots of wonderful surface texture.  
And then by overlapping the glazes brings richness to those textures. 

This adorable one with it's nose up in the air was created by junior Ju Eun Lee.
The kids were required to pour and overlap their glazes, and you can see how much surface interest this simple technique brings to the pot. 

Our final one was crafted by junior Yasmeen Pardo.  
It's so sweet, looks like it's going to melt.

Fantastic job all of you!!
And thank you for taking each assignment seriously and giving me all your effort.
You make teaching a pleasure.

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