
Friday, May 2, 2014

Turning Reality into Fantasy

graphite, ink and paper

My beginning art students have been working their tails off for me learning to draw and design.  I'll be posting their before and afters very soon so you can see the progress they've made.

In this assignment I teach them how to sight proportions and angles.  Then I ask them to pick a corner of my room to draw.  I also encourage the kids to get creative and add surrealistic details to make the room more visually interesting.  They never disappoint.
In this top piece senior Erin Sun has brought my room to life, as well as passing along a really strong message.

Senior Yoobin Han brings us this delightful story with her adorable little figures coming out of the basket to frolic in the room after lights are out.
Her attention to detail is incredible!

This next work by junior Michael Cantu is very complex and so well thought out and developed.
The flight of the birds is so realistic, and the cityscape below so intricate.
Once again, I'm very impressed with you Michael.

Senior Jackie chose a very difficult corner with tons of angles, and then the best part is that she put herself on the top shelf reading a book.  
Love that!

Senior Alex Arias constantly surprises me with the natural skills that he brings to my class.
Alex is our super star co-captain and pitcher of our boy's Varsity Baseball team.  I love when he and senior Cole Mesa, our other co-captain and shortstop ask me to come watch their games.

And then there is sophomore Elias Rodriguez who always goes above and beyond my wildest expectations.  
There he is in his piece.  
He's built his face with many layers of cutout paper as well as adding ink to the graphite.
He is my hardest working student. 
 He knows he needs to be because he wants to be an art major and knows how saturated and competitive the field has become.

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