
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Rooting for a New Home

At the end of last summer I saw this really beautiful red-green leaf on a vine growing in our little mountain town of Crestline.  
So when no one was looking I snapped off a couple of vines and took them back to the cabin.
I housed them in this plastic glass on my windowsill all winter long, trying to talk Jim into not throwing them out.
Looks like I won!
About a month ago they started sprouting tiny green buds and within weekd they turned into the most amazing vine, growing up my window.
So last weekend I removed them from their winter quarters and planted them in their new home outside.  
The roots were impressive.  :)


  1. Hi
    Nice one! I like the outfit of the characters. Wish i could do the same thing too but im not that techie.i like the outfit of “from farmer to warden”.. really interesting.
