
Saturday, April 19, 2014

All Boxed Up

wood box, polymer clay, glass shards, wood stain, gold, copper and silver leaf, india ink

Juniors Laarnie and Reis just finished up these stunning boxes in time for the Open House show.

Laarnie picked a wood box with a glass insert and filled in the glass area with polymer tiles embossed with gold, copper and silver leaf.  
Around those tiles she fit in bits of glass shards.
All pieces were glued down with tacky glue.
After staining her box she came in with india ink and dew lots of design elements to enhance her piece,
And when you open the lid you have addition mosaic surprises along with a bit of colored sand.
Tons of hard work went into getting this piece done on time.
Beautiful Laarnie!!

Reis picked out a round wooden box.
Both kids worked to a forest theme.
Reis focused on the age rings inside the tree truck for his lid design, using alternating rounds of polymer and glass.
He spent hours on the box side fitting together glass shards to ring and flow around it.
What precision!
Tremendous patience  :)

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