
Monday, March 17, 2014

Springtime at Whitney - Student Work


I believe this is the 3rd year to do this assignment.  It's a great one because besides learning how to weave, the kids are using mostly recycled scraps as weft, as well as incorporating their handspun yarns into the piece.  This year there was more creativity then in the past as you will see in a couple of the works.
Like this one by junior Daphne Chiang. 
 Along with weaving this adorable nest, she has attached it to a branch which makes so much sense.

Besides weaving their nests they also have to make a little something special to sit in their nests.
This sweet piece and fairy were made by senior Megan Yeu.
Looking closely we can see all she has recycled; cording, laces, ripped fabric strips, and ribbons.

Love how junior Katy Uchiyama has taken a cracked egg shell and collaged over top of it with tissue, then made a little felt bird to go inside egg. 

This next one by junior Justin Jang is so clever.  He thought to weave with silk plant leaves/vines, feathers and mosses, and then he built a whole eco-environment inside his nest.
Great critical thinking Justin!

Senior Jackie Manipon made this next nest.  I love that she thought to dangle beads below and her eggs are exquisite, so pretty in fact that someone stole them out of her nest when it was on display in the office. 
I'm so sorry Jackie.  
She took and gutted real eggs then paper collaged over top of them.
The papers she used look like they are from Japan, not sure.  
What a shame they were taken.  
Our kids are usually very respectful of the art students and their work on display.  
This is the very first time something has been taken.  :(

Junior Bianca Tolentino made this adorable dimensional felt bird for her cute nest.

I really like how junior Alice Hong has dangled her ripped weft scraps from the bottom of her nest. 
 I think I'll do that next year on my demo. piece.
Alice fashioned a sweet little time piece for the inside of her nest.

But it's this one by junior Clarisa Bloemhof that really had everyone talking.
She turned her nest into a tree, complete with cork swing, then mounted it on this cool piece of scrap cardboard.
How wonderful is this???
A whole new place to go next year with the kids.
Thank you Clarisa for your inspiration!
And notice her handspun yarn as weft woven on top of the tree?
Can you tell I really like this one?  

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