
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Saori Weaving is Alive and Well at Whitney High School


Junior Karisma Dev is on an adventure.  
She learned to weave in my Beginning 3-D course when she was an 8th grader.  
But now it's time for her to take it to a whole other level on a Saori floor loom from Japan that I just purchased for my students.
Because Karisma is in my most advanced class she is the first one to try it out. 
But first I put her on a standard table top loom to learn all the basics like warping on a warping board, stringing the warp thru the heddles, and tying on.  
I wanted her to make a smaller piece just to to get the hang of it before going onto the Soari loom.
The very cool piece above is her tester.

Now here she is on the Saori loom.  Her assignment is to make a garment for herself.  
Because she wears Sari's for dance and traditional Indian events she has decided to weave 3 long strips and sew them together to create a highly unique piece.
I'll be sure to post the finished piece, on her of course!  :)

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