
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Which One Do I Choose George?

I adore the work of Muriel at Clothogancho, who paints with her naturally dyed yarns.  
Recently I have been in contact with her to purchase one of these amazing works of art.  

The colorways in both are so different yet so appealing, such a tough decision.  I've been debating for over 3 months now but I've finally made a decision.  Which piece would you have picked??
Let me know, then I'll tell you which one I bought.
Just wish I could afford both.


  1. They both are beautiful, but I'm partial to reds, blues and purples.

  2. I love them both. Did you get one? I wandered if I can afford one? Nat

    1. Hi Nat, sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. I picked the first one. And I so miss you posting on your blog. Hope all is well. xo Deb

  3. i have admired that first one for a very long time. i would pick the one in the first image. you will enjoy which ever one you picked...i'm sure of that.

    1. Hi Deanna, sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I did end up picking the first one, and it's so lovely in person. Hope all is well and that you are still creating. xo Deb

  4. How much does she charge for those? I love the bottom one.
    e me at

    1. Dear Anonymous, I bought the top one and paid $800 for it. sorry it took me so very long to respond. Best, Deb

  5. The bottom colors suit me more, but the first one looks like a Gustav Klimt painting. Both are wonderful. Thank you for showing them to us.

  6. Thank you for stopping by Christina, sorry it's taken me so very long to reply. And I agree, it does remind one of a Klimt painting. I wonder if Sophie was inspired by Gustav as she chose her colors?

  7. I have never come across this person's work before and it is quite magnificent. I would have gone for the first one, purely as the colours were so skillfully blended together. I dread to think what the cost was, but it certainly is an 'heirloom'!

    1. Hi Sally, I don't mind telling you it cost $800 which I thought was a reasonable price for all that work and weaving in all those ends. She also dyes all her yarns. She really is a master of color and combinations.

  8. So you sell instructions for making these projects? I would love to try making one.

    1. Hello! Sorry I didn't make these, see above for Muriel in France. You can reach out to her on her site link above. I actually purchased the yellow one and it's gorgeous!

  9. Where can we purchase the pattern

  10. Hello, sorry these are not my patterns to sell. They belong to Muriel at Cothogancho in France. Good Luck!
