
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Shapes of Her Shadows - Student Work

Laarnie Barcelon Model

First off, I'd really like to thank my T.A. junior Laarnie Barcelon
 for agreeing to model for this assignment.  
It's a fairly challenging project in which Laarnie had to sit for 4 days straight in class without moving a muscle so the kids could draw only the shapes of the shadows on her face.  
We close some of the lights in the room and shine a spotlight on her so that the cast shadows are more visable.  
Then the kids come in with pen and india ink, as well as watercolor and collage.
First up is senior Justin Hwang. 
 Love how her drew her holding a flower, and his watercolor washes a very pleasing.

Senior Alex Lee brought in both watercolor and collage for a very thought provoking background.  
Plus he burnt a few of his edges, one of his signature stylistic moves.  
He also put a dried flower in her hair because Laarnie frequently wears them.

Senior Cathy Luo really gets into the recording of all the shadows in this very sensitive portrait. 
 And look closely at her gorgeous watercolor background.

Laarnie has a love of flowers so I really like how senior Heather Warner captured that by cutting out and collaging all those and more into her work for a stunning, vivid piece.

And senior Jasmine Zhao has also brought in the flowers and insects but in a completely different way.  
Just so clever and lovely.
 I am truly blessed by how much time and effort these young ones give me. 
Thank you all!

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